About our
Josephine & Iaacov Busuttil-Demarque
About our
Pour les passionnés de généalogie, et principalement ceux d'entre eux qui s'intéressent à la généalogie des familles maltaises, nous avons le plaisir, mon épouse Joséphine Busuttil-Demarque et moi, de publier ci dessous un extrait du contenu de notre toute première publication à ce sujet, en Anglais.
Nous vous en souhaitons bonne découverte et bonne lecture !
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Joséphine & Iaacov BUSUTTIL-DEMARQUE
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Printed in Malta by “JOYAQ of MALTA”
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Cover: Yaqov Demarque . Picture : Microsoft Office 365™.
Printed in Malta by “JOYAQ of MALTA”
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ere is the
first version of this Genealogical Dictionary, and also the first version of
this Dictionary in English ! It’s also our first publication about our families,
by “JOYAQ OF MALTA” Editions !
The data in this book are
intended as comprehensive as possible, in the present state of
our genealogical research. We plan eventually to
publish once a year a revised version of the book, provided important
new data can be added. Otherwise, we will post an adendum.
We both want this dictionary for the passionate Genealogy in France, Belgium and Malta and even in England and Australia may be useful.
To this end, we added annexes, some useful guidelines for those who want to genealogical research in the particular case of Malta, as well as broader opportunities, in particular concerning the decipherment of Official Acts.
The achievement of this work was not the easiest, but for both of us was a source of joy and exciting discoveries. We wish you, dear reader, happiness to the consultation of this work, as much we have tried to achieve it.
We both want this dictionary for the passionate Genealogy in France, Belgium and Malta and even in England and Australia may be useful.
To this end, we added annexes, some useful guidelines for those who want to genealogical research in the particular case of Malta, as well as broader opportunities, in particular concerning the decipherment of Official Acts.
The achievement of this work was not the easiest, but for both of us was a source of joy and exciting discoveries. We wish you, dear reader, happiness to the consultation of this work, as much we have tried to achieve it.
• To my father, Jean-Denis
Demarque (+2004), who introduced me
to the family science and gave me this passion.
• To Mr. Anthony Bezzina, Secretary of the Parish of Qrendi (Malta), who received us cordially and offered to perform many searches that have allowed us to move forward in ours.
• To Mr. Anthony Bezzina, Secretary of the Parish of Qrendi (Malta), who received us cordially and offered to perform many searches that have allowed us to move forward in ours.
& Iaacov Busuttil-Demarque
Our families,
families Busuttil-Farrugia and Demarque-Staquet and
families are involved.
My son Gael , who’ll read
this from Heavens and to of my
daughters and LudivineMarjolaine, and my little son Louis
De Bisscop.
To my cousin Rachel Bauman-Demarque.
To my cousin Rachel Bauman-Demarque.
To our sisters
and sisters in law Mary and Theresa Busuttil, and
our brother in law
Gaetano Micaleff.
To our nephews and nieces Sarah and Reuben Micallef.
To our little nephews, Daniel and Martina Attard.
To our nephews and nieces Sarah and Reuben Micallef.
To our little nephews, Daniel and Martina Attard.
In Memory of ours parents and grand-parents.
& Iaacov Busuttil-Demarque
AGIUS, Giovanna, daughter of Mario AGIUS (p. 12) and Clara BUHAGGIAR (p. 15). She married religiously on July 2nd 1753 Pasquale
FARRUGIA (p. 33), son of Leonardo FARRUGIA (p. 33) and Margherita PACE (p. 40).
AGIUS and Pasquale FARRUGIA had one son :
i. Gaetano
FARRUGIA. (p. 31)
Grazia. She
married religiously on August 21st 1763 in Zebbug, MALTA, Vittorio CARDONA (p. 18).
Grazia AGIUS
and Vittorio CARDONA had one daughter :
i. Maria
CARDONA. (p. 18)
and Gaetano BUGEJA had one son :
i. Guseppe
BUGEJA. (p. 14)
AGIUS, Mario. He married religiously on January 25th
1729 in Rabat, M. Notabile, MALTA, Clara BUHAGGIAR (p. 15).
and Clara BUHAGGIAR had one daughter :
i. Giovanna
AGIUS. (p. 12)
AZZOPARDI, Domenica. She was born in 1650. She lived with Blasco
BUSUTTIL (p. 15), son of Gio-Maria BUSUTTIL (p. 16) and Angelica CASSAR (p. 19). Blasco was born in 1635, in Zejtun, MALTE. He died in 1691, at the age of 55 or 56
years old.
AZZOPARDI and Blasco BUSUTTIL had one son :
i. Giovanni
BUSUTTIL. (p. 16)
Little Guide for
Genealogical Research
Where to go ?
Genealogical Research
Where to go ?
There are in Malta, over 80 parishes that are not grouped together. Before writing it is essential to know the place of origin in Malta.
For civil status acts:
L.Insinwa Registru Publiku 26 Lucia Street Valletta. There are stored as acts from 1863 and they are not provided free of charge. Must obligatorily go on site. However, it seems that you can obtain extracts by mail, but it is true, by giving sufficient detail, otherwise they respond you to go to a professional genealogist.
The Adami Collection:
It is actually the count of some parishes made by a Maltese Adami.
Births and deaths are not treated, only weddings, in parish acts are. If you have a wedding date, without place of celebration, so he must first go to:
The National Library located in Valletta which holds Adami collection.
Tèl: 00356-23-65-85
Hours: 8:15 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. winter, summer (16 / 06-10 / 09) from 8:15 to 1:15 p.m.
Marriages : volumes 1 à 33
– Legati di maritaggio : volumes 34 à 46 – Notarial
acts : volumes 47 à 59
Bénéfices : volumes 6O à 83
– Miscellaneous : volumes 84 à 91 – Family trees :
volumes 94
Pour les mariages de :
Consulter volume n°
Pour les mariages de :
Consulter volume n°
Attard , Lija
Rabat (Gozo), St-George’s Parish
Cathedral M’Dina, Rabat
Valletta, St-Paul Shipwrech’s Parish
Valletta (San Paolo) et Senglea
Valletta Porto Salvo (St-Dominic)
Gozo : Gharb, Nadur,
Sannat, Xaghra, Xewkija et Zebbug
Valletta (Porto Salvo) Indice
Vittoriosa, Cospicua, Dingli,
Naxxar, Birkirkara, Tarxien
Eglise de La Matrice (Gozo)
Zabbar, Gudja, Qrendi,
Chircop,Mqabba, Asciak
Mosta, Axaq
Zebbug (Malta)
Gudja, Luqa, Mqabba,
Naxxar,Siggiewi, Zabbar et Zurrieq
General Index
29 à 33
For religious acts:
Once known location and date to go to the parish of the town or village for the marriage certificate.
The parish archives are available at:
L-Uffiċċju PARROKKJALI (Maltese) or Domus curialis (the curia in Latin)
Each parish has its days and hours of operation, and a "kappillan" more or less helpful.
If you can not get there, try your luck by mail by sending a letter to the priests of the parishes involved, while offering a donation to good works.
At M'Dina the parish records were not computerized but only microfilmed documents are in Valletta.
Few days and hours of operation of parishes :
Attard: Uffiċċju parrokkjali, 42 Triq Il-Kbira, Attard BZN 02. Open on Monday, March di-Wednesday from 8:30 to 11:30 and 16:30 to 19h and Saturday from 8:30 to 11:30.
Gharghur: Parroċċa S. Bartilmew App. Open Monday and Saturday from 6 to 7:30 ETfrom 15h to 19h and Sundays from 5:30 to 11:30 and from 15h to 18h.
Valletta: St Paul; 74 rue Saint-Paul: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 9:30 to 11:30. The leaves kappillan read over his shoulder, but research by yourself inter-se. It is still very nice and helpful and often responds to emails.
Valletta: Porto Salvo (St. Dominic); in Dominic Street: Monday, Tuesday and Saturday from 9am to 11.30am and on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 16:30 to 19:30.
Birkirkara: St. Helen's Parish Office, 1 Sanctuary Street, Birkirkara BKR 03, (left side of the church) on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10am to 12pm and from 17h to 19h.
The Vittoriosa parish San Lorenzo on Monday and Thursday from 9 to 10:30 am, Tuesday and Friday from 16:30 to 19h.
Zebbug (Malta): St. Philip Church: Tuesday-Thursday from 9:30 to 11:30, Saturday from 10 am to 11:30 am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 16h to 18h.
Gudja: Church of the Annunciation, Tuesday-Friday from 9am to 12pm and from 17h to 18h30.
Ghaxaq: Church of the Assumption of Mary, Wednesday and Friday from 9 to 10:30 am and 17h 18:30.
In all parishes in Malta, the opening days are engraved on a black plate (white letters) affixed to the wall of the L-Uffiċċju PARROKKJALI
Mon-di: IT-TNEJN; Tuesday:TLIETA; Wednesday: L-ERGHBA; Saturday: IL-HAMIS; Friday: IL-GIMBHA; Saturday:IS-Sibt; Sunday: IL-HADD.
Notarial archives:
They are situated at Anton Vassalli Street Michel in Valletta.
The documents are listed by name notaries, and that as early as 1700, making it tedious research at all-that name is unknown.
They are written beforehand Italian and then in English for the most recent.
In contracts frequent marriage and wills, we can often find all the missing details of the Maltese church acts: the occupation, the list of property, dowry, home address, witnesses relevant to the fa- thousand ...).
In contracts frequent marriage and wills, we can often find all the missing details of the Maltese church acts: the occupation, the list of property, dowry, home address, witnesses relevant to the fa- thousand ...).
Unlike the notarial archives in the public domain, there are notarized private archives.
These pass the death of a notary in the hands of its successor. These archives are full of information. A list of owners of these private notarial archives is published annually in Malta "Malta Government Gazette", often the new year. It is therefore easy to know who is the current holder of a particular archive.
Other sources:
The museum of the Cathedral M'Dina there are "stati animarum" which are a kind of annual census of the island that were connected to the priests for religious reasons.
These "stati animarum" date back to the early eighteenth century.
At Rabat since 1995 you can consult the archives of the administration and the navigation of the British era.
All this was in the building Holy Spirit Hospital.
San Spirito Hospital(National Archives of the Navy) Triq San Frangisk M'Dina near Rabat.
One can find the movement of boats (name of it and its crew and passenger list their destination) and, from the first quarter of 1814. They are written in Italian and then in English. With an average of 3 to 4 registers per year (these are very large and thick), you must be patient to find one of his leaving for Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Australia, USA etc ... If, with a little luck, your ascendant had not gone underground ... Open from 8:15 am to16h from Monday to Friday and from 8:15 am to 13h Saturday. From 16/06 to 10/09, single session 8:15 to 1:15 p.m
The insurance company Lloyd's would also have in its records all movements of ba-cakes in the Mediterranean (interesting for Maltese immigration and perhaps Spanish or Italian), with the number of passengers and the destination.
Registers appointed sheaping ofregisters, are available by appointment at
32 rue Caumartin in Paris. Tèl:
See if a list of the passengers exist in Paris or London.
Microfilmed manuscripts:
The University of St. John in the United States in Minnesota, which also happens to be a great abbey, has a good number of Maltese parish archives in the form of microfilm ! These microfilms are available freely from 8am to 16:30 Monday to Friday, no need to ask permission to write, but it is still wise to reserve a place. For more information contact Dr. The Rev Mr. Vann.
These microfilms have another double M'Dina :
The University of St. John in the United States in Minnesota, which also happens to be a great abbey, has a good number of Maltese parish archives in the form of microfilm ! These microfilms are available freely from 8am to 16:30 Monday to Friday, no need to ask permission to write, but it is still wise to reserve a place. For more information contact Dr. The Rev Mr. Vann.
These microfilms have another double M'Dina :
In Malta even consulted on site every morning from Monday to Friday,
it is advisable to
go with a portable microfilm because it available is outdated and does not give therefore not always a pleasant picture.
The head of the archives is Monsignor John Azzopardi.
Hill Monastic Manuscript Library
St. John's University
Collegeville, MN 56321
Tèl :320-363-3993
Cathedral Museum,
Archibishop Square,
RBT 12, Malta
Tèl : 00356-45-46-97
St. John's University
Collegeville, MN 56321
Tèl :320-363-3993
Cathedral Museum,
Archibishop Square,
RBT 12, Malta
Tèl : 00356-45-46-97
Hospitals have kept their archives that have many details on patients, interesting toknow the causes of death and family circumstances (seen-drying) and date of birth.
In Malta, these documents have been remitted to the National Archives in Rabat, and this is likely in 1840.
Cemeteries, if you have the chance to know the burial place your ancestor, or if you have strong présemptions the village of death, try your luck.
Do not hesitate to consult the register of burials (burial records) to the office of the cemetery. Headstones often contain many informations on families, and it may very well be several members of the same famile buried there, with dates of birth and death clearly visible, and perhaps even an epitaph !
In all prefectures of France to find lists of names of applications for naturalization and rejection of naturalization.
In all prefectures of France to find lists of names of applications for naturalization and rejection of naturalization.
For example, Tunisia, Malta 3rd generation French were made automatically, by the decrees of 1921 and 1923.
From them they no traces remain in the archives of naturalization because they were automatically naturalized by those against refused to become french were to act in 21 years to the prefecture, so we can find them because they make the act of refusal.
The same for those who wanted the French nationality without waiting for the third generation, they would then apply to the above-prefecture said. These archives are consultables in all prefectures of France because each is required to have a copy.
We give you the addresses of 2 Maltese genealogists :
Ms Mary Lanfranco
7, Misrah San Filippu
Mr Joe Borg
160, Annunciation Street
Santa Venera
Tel: 356-240547
7, Misrah San Filippu
Mr Joe Borg
160, Annunciation Street
Santa Venera
Tel: 356-240547
Warning ! :
If you ask for a birth certificate, you must necessarily know the born place and date of the event and the research is far from being free!
No research will be done to death, records are not easily accessible.
In fact, when you ask the search for a line patronymic, a genealogist look only for the date and place of marriage of your parents and it will cost around 250 Euros without a certificate! It is mandatory to write in English if you do not speak Maltese. Any request in French is thrown
into the basket
For your information, my wife and her sister have used in the past to a professional genealogist-Maltese(Mr Borg) has provided a list of places and dates of marriage did descendants of families Busuttil-Farrugia, at the rate indicated below above and after verification proved riddled with errors of dates, even of names ! A serious research done by us on the proposed online by the association "Geneanum" (cf. bibliography) files allowed us to get FREE the same result, this time ERROR-FREE!
For your information, my wife and her sister have used in the past to a professional genealogist-Maltese(Mr Borg) has provided a list of places and dates of marriage did descendants of families Busuttil-Farrugia, at the rate indicated below above and after verification proved riddled with errors of dates, even of names ! A serious research done by us on the proposed online by the association "Geneanum" (cf. bibliography) files allowed us to get FREE the same result, this time ERROR-FREE!
Therefore, beware: you are never better served than by yourself!
As a last resort you can also write to Ms. Aurore Verie - 22 avenue Bu-ros - 64000 PAU - which will forward to you in English / Maltese your request, and it gracefully at the appropriate genealogist.
I am alas not sure this info is still valid and the email addresses that I found on proved obsolete ...
The GAMT association, Maison du Maréchal Juin, 29 avenue of Tübingen in Aix en Provence, also deals effectively research in Malta. Ms. Verie which oc-cupe of Malta antenna, mediates between the beggars services genealogists and professional genealogists Maltese and more it is very generous of the council plan! Do not hesitate to join her. Tèl: (All afternoon).
The GAMT association, Maison du Maréchal Juin, 29 avenue of Tübingen in Aix en Provence, also deals effectively research in Malta. Ms. Verie which oc-cupe of Malta antenna, mediates between the beggars services genealogists and professional genealogists Maltese and more it is very generous of the council plan! Do not hesitate to join her. Tèl: (All afternoon).
Deciphering the Maltese acts
This is very difficult, as they are mainly written in Latin !!! And Writers and writing is often difficult to read because peppered with abbreviations!
To help you decipher we’ll give you some good tips.
First know that the surname of the wife is rarely cited, and must make do with only the full name of the husband and the simple name of the bride to find the marriage wanted.
Then, if you find ascendents born outside Malta, which is common, their country of origin (much less common) is rarely mentioned in this case maybe the solution could be found in the archives notarized or maritime archives of Rabat.
The few times the name of the wife is mentioned, it is often done in the name of his first husband.
So, in exemplum, if you are in a marriage Claudio Giovanni Barbara Barbara and son Flaminia Pace, widow Matteo, one must understand she is a widow Matteo Pace!
Similarly, from time to time, the name of the woman is in fact a mere repetition of that of her husband in acts of mariage children, and if we take the previous example Flaminia bear the name of Barbara .. . So when looking for a former marriage act it is sometimes better to consider the mere name of the bride, and there you will learn the real name of the bride,
hoping it is not in Malta several marriages involving Claudio and Barbara Flaminia,
to stay in the
example ...
But if the fact that there are couples with the same surname is very common and should not be worried, the Maltese archipelago is small and surnames who return are often the same.
To translate your Latin acts, trying to find the names of your ancestors and to decipher what is around.
The beginning of the act is that of the priest and presentation made formulas announcing the marriage that follows.
leg = legitimate, ie the child is that of his parents right
leg = legitimate, ie the child is that of his parents right
n = nat or natural, that is to say that the child is the biological child of her parents, therewas no adoption.
Vir = virgen virgin virgo mean for wives, means she's single and never been married before.
vid = abbreviation viduam or viduae, which means widow.
conjug. = Abbreviation conjugis married.
olim = means "once" to mean death, often said after citation of the names of parents, may apply to one or both parents to the case of punctuation. You can also find "fu" which means "fire." Be careful if you receive acts of Malta by mail, it may be that the priests you have transcribed, the names will be in English (instead of John Giovanni) and you'll probably "late" before certain names, which also means dead.
fuerunt = both deceased, same as above, but for both of parents, rare use.
qdm = chap, meaning "a certain" often seen after the name of the spouses to in-duce the names of parents, it is only a form of presentation and did not have the same meaning in French ! Even if it says "a certain" affiliation is safe !!!
per verba Praesentis it was mutual consent without which the marriage was not valid.
per verba de futuro = it is the promise of marriage.
Writers and writing is often difficult to read because peppered with abbreviations!
Attention also deformations of surnames are everywhere !!!
Attention also deformations of surnames are everywhere !!!
Another difficulty :
The changing of names
of peoples and of Villages !
Spelling has been fixed in Malta only in the 20th century!
In exemplum, we have Ellul, Franceschini, Bonello, Agius, who became Piritta Hellul,Franceschi, Bonel, Aquis, Brutta. Because the names are Latinized.
Thus Cajetanus means Gaetano; Benedicti Benedetto; Girolamo,Giacomo ...
In Burmola, we must recognize that the city of Cospicua, itself, has changed its name since then and now-denominated Cospicua ...The original village in the proceedings is sometimes introduced by the following words: Casale (abbreviated in "cases"), guiguli? (or giugoli?), Hal or Haz, meaning "do-miciliés to" or "village" or even dallo signifier or even "di c" signifiant di Casale.
In Burmola, we must recognize that the city of Cospicua, itself, has changed its name since then and now-denominated Cospicua ...The original village in the proceedings is sometimes introduced by the following words: Casale (abbreviated in "cases"), guiguli? (or giugoli?), Hal or Haz, meaning "do-miciliés to" or "village" or even dallo signifier or even "di c" signifiant di Casale.
And when they come from the parish where the act is done, we often see the words' huinë earth "or" huinë by. " Which means the same place or parish (for is an abbreviation),
I'm not sure read "huinë" it is perhaps "huires" or "hunis."
Place names in Malta [*]
Sometimes people do not find on a map of Malta the original link of a grandfather, asthey have found a certificate. In fact, some places have two names.
• So the Three Towns, "The Three Cities" VITTORIOSA, COSPICUA and Senglea.These three localities are now only aggloméra-tion, but their "local councils" and their parishes are separate.
The in-three
cities seems called THE COTONERA because it
is the Grand Master of the Knights Cotoner of St.
John of Jerusalem fortified. The former
name is VITTORIOSA BIRGU and Malta still
use that name; VITTORIOSA wasthe nickname given to this
ancient city after his victorious resistance against theTurkish siege in
The former
name is COSPICUA Cospicua, but when the city
was embellished, is nicknamed "La
Belle" COSPICUA . Maltese always
say Cospicua;well, they always say LISLA for Senglea, and called for the
Grand Master Claude de la Sengle who lived there.
• ASCIACK also says Ghasciack
• BIRKIRKARA also written B'kara
• CHIRCOP Kirkop now written, the modern spelling wants to Malta that the Italian CHis now modified K.
• MDINA, the former capital city was called by the first Noble Knights. It is sometimes found under the name CITTA notabile in some papers.
• NAXXAR is also sometimes written Naschiar ("xx" in Maltese pro-nuncio "ch")
• QORMI also called PINTO, named after the Grand Master Pinto de Fonseca.
• ZEBBUG was a certain ROHAN named for the Grand Master of the name now. This is ZEBBUG Malta and Gozo name.
• The last of the Grand Masters, Hompesch, baptized his name City ZABBAR.
• ZEJTUN also called BELAND.
• FLORIANA was with the nickname BORGO VILHENA, another grandmaster.
• Some names are preceded by Hal or Haz- as HAZ-ZABBAR or HAL-LIJA. It is an abbreviation of "rahal" or "Casale" village, the pre-rst in Maltese and Italian second.
• GOZO is the name the Spanish gave to the sister island, a word which means "happy."But the Maltese still call Għawdex, pronounced a-or-dè-che and Gozitan are a-or-chee,meaning of the name Gauci.
• The main town of Gozo is VICTORIA since the jubilee of Queen Victoria, but Maltese and Gozitan still call RABAT; not con-fused with the city of Rabat Malta.
• We call the capital VALLETTA, the French. Maltese say VALLETTA, and between IL-BELT, the city.
If you write there they would be affected that you indicate: VALLETTA, and-even more if, after Malta, GC you add the initials of the George Cross by-what George VI awarded the island for his bravery during the second World War.
Luxembourg, Marche en Famenne, BELGIQUE
- Birth of Gaël, Dominique, Jean-Luc DEMARQUE, 24
- Marriage of Giovanni BUSUTTIL and Paola CARUANA, 16, 18
- Death of Emmanuel BUSUTTIL, 16
- Death of Agnès FARRUGIA, 31
- Death of Albert DEMARQUE, 23
Hainaut, Pays d’Ath, BELGIQUE
- Marriage of Jacques DEMARQUE and Yetty DERSCHOWITZ, 25, 28
- Divorce of Jean-Marie, Jacques, Hector, Albert DEMARQUE and Christine, Elise,
Ghislaine COOLS (m. 1979), 19, 26
- Marriage of Giuseppe BUSUTTIL and Maria-Anna BORG, 13, 16
- Birth of Paolo BUSUTTIL, 13, 17
- Birth of Emmanuel BUSUTTIL, 16
- Marriage of Paolo BUSUTTIL and Anna-Maria BARBARA, 13, 17
Hainaut, Tournaisis, BELGIQUE
- Birth of Joseph DEMARQUE, 26
- Marriage of Joseph DEMARQUE and Sidonie LEDOUX, 26, 38
- Death of Albertine, Marie, Henriette FROMONT, 34
- Death of Jean-Baptiste, Joseph DEMARQUE, 25
Saint Paul, 7100, Hainaut, Centre, BELGIQUE
- Birth of Jean-Marie, Jacques, Hector, Albert DEMARQUE, 26
- Birth of Christine, Elise, Ghislaine COOLS, 19
- Birth of Ludivine, Rachel, Alberte DEMARQUE, 27
- Death of Odile STAQUET, 43
- Birth of Marjolaine, Erica, Francesca DEMARQUE, 27
of Albert, Aloïs COOLS, 19
Goegnies, Hainaut, Centre, BELGIQUE
- Confirmation of Jacques DEMARQUE, 25
Louvière, 7100, Hainaut, Centre, BELGIQUE
- Birth of Odile STAQUET, 43
- Marriage of Jean-Denis, Charles, Marie, Albert DEMARQUE and Odile STAQUET, 25, 43
- Marriage of Jean-Marie, Jacques, Hector, Albert DEMARQUE and Christine,
Elise, Ghislaine COOLS, 19, 26
- Death of Léocadie DAINVILLE, 22
- Death of Jean-Denis, Charles, Marie, Albert DEMARQUE, 25
- Marriage of Pietro PACE and Catarina CAMILLERI, 18, 40
en Famenne, Luxembourg, Famenne, BELGIQUE
of Gaël, Dominique, Jean-Luc DEMARQUE, 24
- Birth of Joséphine BUSUTTIL, 16
Namur, Namurois, BELGIQUE
- Birth of Rachel DEMARQUE, 27
- Death of Maria, Stella FARRUGIA, 33
- Marriage of Guseppe BUGEJA and Guseppa VELLA, 14, 45
- Birth of Nicola BUGEJA, 15, 30
- Birth of Catarina BUGEJA, 13, 42
- Birth of Maria, Anna BUGEJA, 12, 14
- Birth of Guseppe BUGEJA, 14
- Birth of Emmanuele BUGEJA, 14
- Birth of Carmelo BUGEJA, 13, 42
- Birth of Francesco BUGEJA, 14
- Marriage of Giuseppe FARRUGIA and Maria, Margarita, Concetta, Francesca
14, 32
- Birth of Emmanuele FARRUGIA, 31
- Marriage of Nicola BUGEJA and Maria, Rosa ELLUL, 15, 30
- Birth of Guseppa FARRUGIA, 32
- Birth of Carmela FARRUGIA, 31
- Death of Guseppa FARRUGIA, 32
- Marriage of Joseph SCICLUNA and Catarina BUGEJA, 13, 42
- Birth of Giovanna FARRUGIA, 32
- Death of Carmela FARRUGIA, 31
- Birth of Guseppa FARRUGIA, 33
- Birth of Maria, Stella FARRUGIA, 33
- Marriage of Samuel ABDILA and Maria, Anna BUGEJA, 12, 14
- Birth of Benjamino FARRUGIA, 31
- Marriage of Carmelo BUGEJA and Maria SPITERI, 13, 42
- Birth of Agnès FARRUGIA, 31
- Death of Benjamino FARRUGIA, 31
- Birth of Carmela FARRUGIA, 31
- Birth of Benjamino FARRUGIA, 31
- Birth of Juditta (Sister Amandina) FARRUGIA, 33
- Birth of Genoveffa FARRUGIA, 31
- Death of Genoveffa FARRUGIA, 31
- Marriage of Nicola SAMMUT and Rita FARRUGIA, 34, 42
- Marriage of Michele SCIBERRAS and Giovanna FARRUGIA, 32, 42
- Death of Guseppa VELLA, 14, 45
- Marriage of Salvatore MIFSUD and Maria, Stella FARRUGIA, 33, 39
- Marriage of Anthony AQUILINIA and Guseppa FARRUGIA, 12, 33
- Death of Guseppe BUGEJA, 14, 45
- Marriage of Guseppe GRIMA and Carmela FARRUGIA, 31, 36
- Death of Maria, Margarita, Concetta, Francesca BUGEJA, 14, 32
- Death of Nicola BUGEJA, 15, 30
- Death of Guseppa FARRUGIA, 33
7390, Hainaut, Borinage, BELGIQUE
- Death of Gaël, Dominique, Jean-Luc DEMARQUE, 24
M. Notabile, MALTA
- Marriage of Mario AGIUS and Clara BUHAGGIAR, 12, 15
Hainaut, Centre, BELGIQUE
- Death of Mathilde, Elisabeth DURAY, 29
Bracquegnies, Hainaut, Centre, BELGIQUE
- Birth of Léocadie DAINVILLE, 22
- Birth of Hélène, Mathilde DAINVILLE, 21
- Death of Hélène, Mathilde DAINVILLE, 21
- Marriage of Albert DEMARQUE and Léocadie DAINVILLE, 22, 23
- Birth of Jean-Denis, Charles, Marie, Albert DEMARQUE, 25
- Birth of Jacques DEMARQUE, 25
- Burial of Gaël, Dominique, Jean-Luc DEMARQUE, 24
- Burial of Jean-Denis, Charles, Marie, Albert DEMARQUE, 25
Hainaut, Tournaisis, BELGIQUE
- Birth of Antoine, Hubert, Joseph DEMARQUE, 13, 24
- Death of Antoine, Hubert, Joseph DEMARQUE, 13, 24
- Baptism of Jean-Baptiste, Joseph DEMARQUE, 25
- Birth of Albertine, Marie, Henriette FROMONT, 34
- Marriage of Jean-Baptiste, Joseph DEMARQUE and Albertine, Marie, Henriette
FROMONT, 25, 34
- Birth of Albert DEMARQUE, 23
- Marriage of Jean-Marie, Jacques, Hector, Albert DEMARQUE and Joséphine
BUSUTTIL, 16, 26
- Marriage of Pietro FARRUGIA and Clemenza DAMATO, 22, 34
- Marriage of Paolo ZAMMIT and Catarina MAGRO, 39, 47
- Marriage of Giovanni FARRUGIA and Paolina ZAMMIT, 32, 47
- Marriage of Vittorio CARDONA and Grazia AGIUS, 12, 18
- Marriage of Ignazio CURMI and Catarina PISANI, 20, 40
- Marriage of Paolo FARRUGIA and Maria MIZZI, 33, 39
- Birth of Blasco BUSUTTIL, 12, 15
- Birth of Giovanni BUSUTTIL, 16, 19
- Marriage of Giovanni BUSUTTIL and Teresa CARUANA, 16, 19
- Marriage of Ugolino BUSUTTIL and Catarina DESIRA, 17, 28
Malta, MALTA
of Gaetano BUGEJA and Maria AGIUS, 12, 14
Source : N° 92 - 4e trimestre 2005 - Généalogie
Algérie Maroc Tunisie. Article de Aurore VERIE, provenant du site de Geneanum
(cfr Bibliographie) et traduit en anglais par nos soins. (NDA)
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